Kennisbank > lotusscript > Custom 404 errorpages with Lotus Domino
Custom 404 errorpages with Lotus Domino
Although we try to prevent it, it is always possible to have deleted or moved content within your website. In Apache you can easily create custom 404 pages. In Lotus Domino it is just as easy!
Create a new form within your website application (website.nsf) with the name and alias: “$$ReturnGeneralError“.
Just place all your html code within this form to resemble your own website look & feel. We also place a custom google javascript to ensure users can search within our site for the missing content. Just place the following code in your html:
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var GOOG_FIXURL_LANG = ‘en’;
<script type=”text/javascript”
This widget automatically provides suggestions or alternatives for the missing content, based on the Google index of your website. Visitors can now find the missing information more easily. From our own experiments it seems that the sitemap and closest match functionality wasn’t available. This is probably because of the fact that our website isn’t indexed completely by Google at the moment.
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